Curso: Análisis Geoespacial - Prof. Edier Aristizábal - Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín


Prof. Edier Aristizábal


First Law of Geography

“Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things."

Waldo R. Tobler (1970)


La era de los datos


Data store


Data store

Los kilobytes eran almacenados en discos, megabytes fueron almacenados en discos duros, terabytes fueron almacenados en arreglos de discos, y petabytes son almacenados en la nube.

Mevin M. Vopson (2021)

Geospatial Data Science

Geospatial data science (GDS) is a subset of Data Science that focuses on the unique characteristics of spatial data, moving beyond simply looking at where things happen to understand why they happen there

The extraction of meaningful information from data involving location, geographic proximity and/or spatial interaction through the use techniques specifically designed to deal appropriately with spatial data.

Source: Anselin (2000)

Spatial analysis

  • Spatial data manipulation through geographical information systems (GIS),

  • Spatial data analysis in a descriptive and exploratory way,

  • Spatial statistics that employ statistical procedures to investigate if inferences can be made

  • Spatial modeling which involves the construction of models to identify relationships and predict outcomes in a spatial context.
Source: Sullivan & Unwin (2010)


Geospatial technology

Source: Components of Geospatial Technology – Credits: Geospatial Global Outlook Report 2017/ GeoBuiz Report 2017

Charles Picquet (1832)

48 districts of Paris were represented by color gradient according to the percentage of deaths from cholera per 1000 inhabitants

Dr. John Snow (1854)

Fotografía aérea (1858)

Remote sensing (1972)

Roger F. Tomlinson (1960)

Why spatial is special?

Why spatial is special?

Why spatial is special?

Why spatial is special?

Source: HEAVY.AI

Ambiente de trabajo

TIOBE index - Programming languaje popularity


Python code is fast to develop: As the code is not required to be compiled and built, Python code can be much readily changed and executed. This makes for a fast development cycle.

Python code is not as fast in execution: Python code runs a little slow as compared to conventional languages like C, C++, etc.

Python is interpreted: Python does not need compilation to binary code, which makes Python easier to work with and much more portable than other programming languages.

Python is object oriented: Many modern programming languages support object-oriented programming. ArcGIS and QGIS is designed to work with object-oriented languages, and Python qualifies in this respect.






Google Earth Engine

Spatial data

Spatial heterogeneity

la heterogeneidad espacial se refiere a los efectos del espacio sobre las unidades muestrales, en las cuales la media varía de un lugar a otro (Zhang, 2023). Por lo tanto, la heterogeneidad espacial es una propiedad de primer orden - la media (Wang, 2022)

Spatial dependence

La dependencia espacial implica que las observaciones en una región están correlacionadas con las de las regiones vecinas (Fletcher, 2018). La dependencia espacial se mide frecuentemente mediante la covarianza y, por lo tanto, es una propiedad de segundo orden - covarianza.

Estadística espacial vs Estadística clásica

Existe una diferencia fundamental entre la estadística clásica y la estadística espacial. En la estadística clásica, hacemos una suposición básica sobre la muestra: es una colección de observaciones independientes que siguen una distribución específica, usualmente normal. Por el contrario, en la estadística espacial, debido a la dependencia espacial inherente y al hecho de que la autocorrelación espacial existe (usualmente), el enfoque se centra en adoptar técnicas para detectar y describir estas correlaciones.

En otras palabras, en la estadística clásica, debe existir independencia entre las observaciones, mientras que en la estadística espacial, generalmente existe dependencia espacial. La estadística clásica debe ser modificada en consecuencia para adaptarse a esta condición.

Tipos de análisis espaciales

  • Análisis de datos areales o discretos (lattice): modelado donde el dominio (D) de los datos espaciales es discreto y fijo, donde las regiones espaciales que definen el dominio pueden tener formas regulares (grid o píxeles) o formas irregulares (polígonos).

  • Análisis geoestadístico: modelado donde el dominio (D) de los datos espaciales es una superficie continua (campos) y fija. En geoestadística como en análisis de datos discretos, el atributo no es lo que define si los datos son espacialmente continuos o discretos; en este caso la continuidad proviene del hecho de que el dominio (D) permite realizar mediciones en cualquier lugar.

  • Análisis de patrones de puntos: modelado de eventos en un dominio (D) aleatorio. En el análisis de patrones de puntos, el enfoque es diferente porque aquí se trata de estudiar la distribución de eventos puntuales en el espacio, y dichos puntos (que representan eventos u ocurrencias) son considerados como realizaciones de un proceso estocástico.


Scale is also important because it can inform about sampling for training experience. Learning is more reliable when the distribution of the samples in the training experience is similar to the distribution of the test experience. In many geographic studies, training occurs on data from a specific geographic area. This makes it challenging to use the trained model for other geographic regions because the distribution of the test and train data sets is not similar, due to spatial heterogeneity.

This means that the sampling strategy for the training data set is essential to cover the heterogeneity of the phenomena of interest over the spatial frame of study. By increasing the extent of the study area, more processes and contextual environmental factors may alter the variable and result in non-stationarity by interweaving spatial patterns of different scales or inconsistent effect of processes in different regions.

Source: Nikparvar & Thill (2021)

First and second order effects

Tree density distribution can be influenced by 1st order effects such as elevation gradient or spatial distribution of soil characteristics; and by 2nd order effects such as seed dispersal processes where the process is independent of location and, instead, dependent on the presence of other trees.

Source: Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis by Manuel Gimond (2020)


The Modifiable Area Unit Problem (MAUP) problem refers to the influence the zone design has on the outcomes of the analysis. A different designation would probably lead to different results.




There are two types of biases for the MAUP:

Source: Spatial Modelling for Data Scientist by Francisco Rowe and Dani Arribas-Bel (2022)

Zonal effect

The zonal effect occurs when you group data by various artificial boundaries. In this type of MAUP error, each subsequent boundary yields major analytical differences.

Scale effect

The scale effect occurs when maps show different analytical results at different levels of aggregation. Despite using the same points, each successive smaller unit consequently changes the pattern.

Source: Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis by Manuel Gimond (2022)

Edge effect

Ecological Fallacy

This problem occurs when a relationship that is statistically significant at one level of analysis is assumed to hold true at a more detailed level as well. This is a typical mistake that occurs when we use aggregated data to describe the behavior of individuals.


Neighborhood effect

The characteristics of neighboring properties might have certain impact on the same characteristic to neighbors.

“if block group A is next to a high crime neighborhood, then block group A has high crime”

Spillover effect

Externalities (sometimes called spillover effects). An externality is a cost or benefit imposed on others (without compensation)

The characteristics of neighboring properties might have certain impact on a different characteristic to neighbors.

“if a block group A is next-to a shopping mall, then block group A will experience high crime”

Spatial data

Spatial data

Spatial data is geographically referenced data, given at known locations and often represented visually through maps. That geographic reference, or the location component of the data, may be represented using any number of coordinate reference systems, for example, longitude and latitude.

Geospatial data

Geospatial data is data about objects, events, or phenomena that have a location on the surface of the earth, including location information, attribute information (the characteristics of the object, event, or phenomena concerned), and often also temporal information (the time or life span at which the location and attributes exist)

Models are simplifications of reality

Spatial Data Models

  • Data can be defined as verifiable facts about the real world.
  • Information is data organized to reveal patterns, and to facilitate search.
  • Data model: an abstraction of the real world which incoprorates onlu those properties thought to be relevant to the application
  • Data structure: a representation of the data model
  • File format: the representation of the data in storage hardware

Real world data must be described in terms of a data model, then a data structure must be chosen to represent the data model, and finally a file format must be selected that is suitable for that data structure.

Types of spatial models

  • Object-based (feature) model: In the object view, we consider the world as a series of entities located in space. Entities are (usually) real. An object is a digital representation of all or part of an entity, which can be described in detail according to their boundary lines and other objects that constitute them or are related to them.

  • Field model: In the field view, the world consists of properties continuously varying across space. It represents data that are considered to be continuously changing in two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. In a field, every location has a value (including ‘‘not here’’ or zero) and sets of values taken together define the field.

Data Structure

Object-based model


objects are frequently not as simple as this geometric view leads one to assume. They may exist in three spatial dimensions, move and change over time, have a representation that is strongly scale-dependent, relate to entities that are themselves fuzzy and/or have indeterminate boundaries, or even be fractal.

Vector (tabla geográfica)


A shapefile is a file-based data format native to ArcView software . Conceptually, a shapefile is a feature class–it stores a collection of features that have the same geometry type (point, line, or polygon), the same attributes, and a common spatial extent. Despite what its name may imply, a “single” shapefile is actually composed of at least three files, and as many as eight. Each file that makes up a “shapefile” has a common filename but different extension type.

Arc-Info Interchange (e00)

An ArcInfo interchange file, is also known as an export file type, this file format is used to enable a coverage, grid or TIN, and an associated INFO table to be transferred between different machines. This file has the .e00 extension.

File Geodatabase

A file geodatabase is a relational database storage format. It’s a far more complex data structure than the shapefile and consists of a .gdb folder housing dozens of files. Its complexity renders it more versatile allowing it to store multiple feature classes and enabling topological definitions. An example of the contents of a geodatabase is shown in the following figure.


This is a relatively new data format that follows open format standards (i.e. it is non-proprietary). It’s built on top of SQLite (a self-contained relational database). Its one big advantage over many other vector formats is its compactness–coordinate value, metadata, attribute table, projection information, etc…, are all stored in a single file which facilitates portability. Its filename usually ends in .gpkg. Applications such as QGIS (2.12 and up), R and ArcGIS will recognize this format (ArcGIS version 10.2.2 and above will read the file from ArcCatalog but requires a script to create a GeoPackage).


GeoJSON is an Open Standard Format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attribute

Source: Introduction to web mapping by Michael Dorman

Geojson -- Multi-part geometry

Multi-part geometry types are similar to their single-part counterparts. The only difference is that one more hierarchical level is added into the coordinates array, for specifying multiple shapes.

Source: Introduction to web mapping by Michael Dorman

Geojson -- Geometry collections

A geometry collection is a set of several geometries, where each geometry is one of the previously listed six types, i.e., any geometry type excluding "GeometryCollection". For example, a "GeometryCollection" consisting of two geometries, a "Point" and a "MultiLineString", can be defined as follows:

Source: Introduction to web mapping by Michael Dorman

Geojson -- Feature

A "Feature" is formed when a geometry is combined with non-spatial attributes, to form a single object. The non-spatial attributes are encompassed in a property named "properties", containing one or more name-value pairs—one for each attribute. For example, the following "Feature" represents a geometry with two attributes, named "color" and "area":

Source: Introduction to web mapping by Michael Dorman

Geojson -- Feature Collections

A "FeatureCollection" is, like the name suggests, a collection of "Feature" objects. The separate features are contained in an array, comprising the "features" property. For example, a "FeatureCollection" composed of four features can be specified as follows:

Source: Introduction to web mapping by Michael Dorman


Keyhole Markup Language (KML)

XML based file format, used to visualize spatial data and modelling information like lines, shapes, 3D images and points in an Google Earth.

Geography Markup Language (GML)

It is used in the Open GIS Consortium for storing geographical data in a standard interchangeable format, It is based on XML.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

It is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics Any program that recognizes XML can display the SVG image.


DWG is an intern format for AutoCAD. A DWG file is a database of 2D or 3D drawings.

Tidy data



Field-based model

In the field view, the world consists of properties continuously varying across space


Raster GIS File Format

txt / ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

Standard text document that contains plain text. It can be opened and edited in any text-editing or word-processing program


Imagine file format by ERDAS. It consists of a single .img file. It is sometimes accompanied by an .xml file which usually stores metadata information about the raster layer.


A GeoTIFF is a TIF file that ends in a three letter. tif extension just like other TIF files, but a GeoTIFF contains additional tags that provide projection information for that image as specified by the GeoTIFF standard

Raster GIS File Format

Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW)

Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (from ERDAS). A compressed wavelet format, often lossy

Network Common Data Form (NetCDF)

netCDF file format with The Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions for earth science data. It allows for direct web-access of subsets/aggregations of maps through OPeNDAP protocol.


is an open source file format that supports large, complex, heterogeneous data. HDF5 uses a "file directory" like structure that allows you to organize data within the file in many different structured ways, as you might do with files on your computer

Web mapping

Web mapping

A web map is an interactive display of geographic information, in the form of a web page, that you can use to tell stories and answer questions. Web maps are interactive. The term interactive implies that the viewer can interact with the map. This can mean selecting different map data layers or features to view, zooming into a particular part of the map that you are interested in, inspecting feature properties, editing existing content, or submitting new content, and so on.

Web maps are useful for various purposes, such as data visualization in journalism (and elsewhere), displaying real-time spatial data, powering spatial queries in online catalogs and search tools, providing computational tools, reporting, and collaborative mapping.

Earth weather
Stuff in space
Real-time flight locations


Source: Introduce to Web Mapping


Source: Maptimeboston


Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

Web Map Service (WMS)

WMS entrega imágenes de mapas renderizadas (como PNG, JPEG) basadas en datos geográficos. Esto significa que convierte nuestros datos geoespaciales en una imagen de mapa que los usuarios pueden ver, pero con la que no pueden interactuar en términos de manipulación de datos. El uso de WMS es ideal cuando el requisito principal es mostrar una representación visual de los datos geográficos sin necesidad de interactuar con sus elementos individuales.

Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

Web Feature Service (WFS)

WFS ofrece acceso a datos vectoriales geográficos en bruto (como puntos, polilíneas, polígonos). Esto significa que los usuarios pueden interactuar, consultar e incluso modificar directamente tanto los datos espaciales como los atributos. El uso de WFS es ideal para escenarios donde los usuarios necesitan interactuar directamente con los datos geoespaciales y, posiblemente, editarlos.

Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

Entrega teselas de mapas pre-renderizadas, generalmente en formatos como PNG o JPEG. En lugar de renderizar la vista completa del mapa en tiempo real como lo hace WMS, WMTS utiliza teselas pre-generadas para componer rápidamente una vista de mapa basada en las operaciones de zoom y desplazamiento del usuario. El uso de WMTS es más adecuado para aplicaciones que requieren una navegación y visualización de mapas rápida, donde los datos son relativamente estáticos y no necesitan actualizaciones frecuentes.

Raster tiles: las capas de teselas suelen estar compuestas de imágenes PNG. Tradicionalmente, cada imagen PNG tiene un tamaño de 256 × 256 píxeles.

Vector tiles: las teselas vectoriales se distinguen por la capacidad de rotar el mapa mientras las etiquetas mantienen su orientación horizontal, y por la capacidad de hacer zoom de manera suave—sin la estricta división en niveles de zoom discretos que tienen las capas de teselas ráster.

Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

Tile layers

  • zoom level 2
  • column 1
  • row 3

  • Zoom level

    Source: Maptimeboston

    Vector tiles

    Source: Gaffuri (2012)


    Web Coverage Service (WCS)

    WCS proporciona acceso a datos ráster geoespaciales en bruto. A diferencia de WMS, que solo devuelve imágenes de datos, WCS devuelve los datos en bruto que representan los valores reales subyacentes de un conjunto de datos ráster. El uso de WCS es ideal cuando los usuarios necesitan los valores reales de los píxeles de un conjunto de datos ráster. Esto es importante para tareas científicas, analíticas y de modelado donde los datos en bruto, en lugar de la representación visual, son esenciales.

    Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

    Web Processing Service (WPS)

    WPS permite la ejecución de procesos geoespaciales en el lado del servidor. Esto significa que, en lugar de solo recuperar o mostrar datos, los usuarios pueden realizar varias operaciones sobre esos datos, como análisis de buffer, intersección, unión, etc. El uso de WPS es esencial cuando se requieren cálculos geoespaciales en tiempo real, aprovechando las capacidades de procesamiento del lado del servidor.

    Source: Akhil Chhibber (Medium)

    Data distribution

    Measurement scales

    Histogramas & bins

    Frequency Distribution and Histograms

    Frequency distribution table is a table that stores the categories (also called “bins”), the frequency, the relative frequency and the cumulative relative frequency of a single continuous interval variable

    The frequency for a particular category or value (also called “observation”) of a variable is the number of times the category or the value appears in the dataset.

    Relative frequency is the proportion (%) of the observations that belong to a category. It is used to understand how a sample or population is distributed across bins (calculated as relative frequency = frequency/n )

    The cumulative relative frequency of each row is the addition of the relative frequency of this row and above. It tells us what percent of a population (observations) ranges up to this bin. The final row should be 100%.

    A probability density histogram is defined so that (i) The area of each box equals the relative frequency (probability) of the corresponding bin, (ii) The total area of the histogram equals 1

    Distribución de frecuencia

    Distribución de frecuencia

    Distribución de frecuencia

    Central Limit Theorem

    When we collect sufficiently large samples from a population, the means of the samples will have a normal distribution. Even if the population is not normally distributed.

    Source: Wikipedia

    Box plot

    A boxplot is a graphical representation of the key descriptive statistics of a distribution.

    The characteristics of a boxplot are

    • The box is defined by using the lower quartile Q1 (25%; left vertical edge of the box) and the upper quartile Q3 (75%; right vertical edge of the box). The length of the box equals the interquartile range IQR = Q3 - Q1.
    • The median is depicted by using a line inside the box. If the median is not centered, then skewness exists.
    • To trace and depict outliers, we have to calculate the whiskers, which are the lines starting from the edges of the box and extending to the last object not considered an outlier.
    • Objects lying further away than 1.5 IQR are considered outliers.
    • Objects lying more than 3.0 IQR are considered extreme outliers, and those between (1.5 IQR and 3.0 IQR) are considered mild outliers. One may change the 1.5 or 3.0 coefficient to another value according to the study’s needs, but most statistical programs use these values by default.
    • Whiskers do not necessarily stretch up to 1.5 IQR but to the last object lying before this distance from the upper or lower quartiles.

    Box plot

    Box plot

    Box plot

    QQ plot

    The normal QQ plot is a graphical technique that plots data against a theoretical normal distribution that forms a straight line

    A normal QQ plot is used to identify if the data are normally distributed

    If data points deviate from the straight line and curves appear (especially in the beginning or at the end of the line), the normality assumption is violated.

    QQ plot

    Learn by example

    Scatter plot

    A scatter plot displays the values of two variables as a set of point coordinates

    A scatter plot is used to identify the relations between two variables and trace potential outliers.

    Inspecting a scatter plot allows one to identify linear or other types of associations

    If points tend to form a linear pattern, a linear relationship between variables is evident. If data points are scattered, the linear correlation is close to zero, and no association is observed between the two variables. Data points that lie further away on the x or y direction (or both) are potential outliers

    Visualización D3js: 4 variables

    Statistical Probability Distributions

    Source: Medium - O. Yenigun

    Underlying data distribution

    Before making modeling decisions, you need to know the underlying data distribution.

    E. Taskesen

    PMF: Probability Mass Function

    Returns the probability that a discrete random variable X is equal to a value of x. The sum of all values is equal to 1. PMF can only be used with discrete variables.

    Medium - O. Yenigun

    PDF: Probability Density Function

    It is like the version of PMF for continuous variables. Returns the probability that a continuous random variable X is in a certain range.

    Medium - O. Yenigun

    CDF: Cumulative Density Function

    Returns the probability that a random variable X takes values less than or equal to x.

    Medium - O. Yenigun

    Covariance matrix

    Covariance is a measure of the extent to which two variables vary together (i.e., change in the same linear direction). Covariance Cov(X, Y) is calculated as:


    where $x_i$ is the score of variable X of the i-th object, $y_i$ is the score of variable Y of the i-th object, $\bar{x}$ is the mean value of variable X, $\bar{y}$ is the mean value of variable Y.

    For positive covariance, if variable X increases, then variable Y increases as well. If the covariance is negative, then the variables change in the opposite way (one increases, the other decreases). Zero covariance indicates no correlation between the variables.

    Correlation coefficient

    Correlation coefficient $r_{(x, y)}$ analyzes how two variables (X, Y) are linearly related. Among the correlation coefficient metrics available, the most widely used is the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (also called Pearson product-moment correlation),

    $r_{(x, y)} = \frac{\text{cov}(X,Y)}{s_x s_y}$

    Correlation is a measure of association and not of causation.

    Point Pattern

    Point pattern analysis

    Point pattern analysis

    A point pattern consists of a set of events at a set of locations, where each event represents a single instance of the phenomenon of interest

    Most point pattern analysis techniques deal only with the location of the events and not with other attributes they might carry.

    Process vs Pattern

    Spatial process is a description of how a spatial pattern can be generated.

    There are three main types of spatial process:

    • Complete spatial randomness process --> Random spatial pattern
      • There is an equal probability of event occurrence at any location in the study region (also called first-order stationary).
      • The location of an event is independent of the locations of other events (also called second-order stationary).

    • Competitive process --> Dispersed: is a process that leads events to be arranged as far away from each other as possible, events tend to be uniformly distributed

    • Aggregating process --> Clustered: is a process where events tend to cluster as a result of some pulling action. The events create clusters in some parts of the study area, and the pattern has a large variation

    Point pattern analysis

    There are two main (interrelated) methods of analyzing point patterns, namely the distance-based methods and the density-based methods.

    • Density-based methods--> Absolute location use the intensity of events occurrence across space. For this reason, they describe first-order effects better. Kernel estimation methods are common density ased methods. In quadrat count methods, space is divided into a regular grid (such as a grid of squares or hexagons) of a unitary area.
    • Distance-based methods --> Relative location employ the distances among events and describe second-order effects. Such methods include the nearest neighbor method the G and F distance functions, the Ripley’s K distance function and its transformation.


    A very basic form of point pattern analysis involves summary statistics such as the mean center, standard distance and standard deviational ellipse.

    Source: Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis by Manuel Gimond (2020)

    Standard deviational ellipse

    It is a measure of dispersion (spread) that calculates standard distance separately in the x and y directions. Standard deviational ellipse reveals dispersion and directional trend

    Convex Hull

    The convex hull of a point pattern pp is the smallest convex set that contains pp

    Quadrant density

    This technique requires that the study area be divided into sub-regions (aka quadrats). Then, the point density is computed for each quadrat by dividing the number of points in each quadrat by the quadrat’s area. Quadrats can take on many different shapes such as hexagons and triangles

    Kernel Density Function

    The kernel density approach is an extension of the quadrat method. Kernel density estimation is a nonparametric method that uses kernel functions to create smooth maps of density values, in which the density at each location indicates the concentration of points within the neighboring area (high concentrations as peaks, low concentrations as valleys)

    Kernel Density Function

    Kernel Density Function

    Modeling intensity as a function of a covariate

    It is often more interesting to model the relationship between the distribution of points and some underlying covariate by defining that relationship mathematically. This can be done by exploring the changes in point density as a function of a covariate.

    $Pr(X_i) = {\frac{exp(\beta_0 + \beta_1X_i)}{1 + exp (\beta_0 + \beta_1X_i)}}$

    NN analysis

    The method compares the observed spatial distribution to a random theoretical one. The Average Nearest Neighbor (NN) tool measures the distance between each feature centroid and its nearest neighbor's centroid location. It then averages all these nearest neighbor distances. If the average distance is less than the average for a hypothetical random distribution, the distribution of the features being analyzed is considered clustered. If the average distance is greater than a hypothetical random distribution, the features are considered dispersed.

    NN analysis

    NN analysis

    An extension of this idea is to plot the ANN values for different order neighbors, that is for the first closest point, then the second closest point, and so forth.

    Ripley's K function

    It is a spatial analysis method of analyzing point patterns based on a distance function. The outcome of the function is the expected number of events inside a radius of d. It is calculated as a series of incremental distances d centered on each of the events in turn


    El objetivo es identificar subgrupos en los datos, de tal forma que los datos en cada subgrupo (clusters) sean muy similares, mientras que los datos en diferentes subgrupos sean muy diferentes.


    • Hierarchical Clustering: descomposición jerárquica utilizando algún criterio, pueden ser aglomerativos (bottom-up) o de separación (top-down). No necesitan K al inicio.
    • Partitioning Methods ( (k-means, PAM, CLARA): se construye a partir de particiones, las cuales son evaluadas por algún criterio. Necesitan K al inicio.
    • Density-Based Clustering: basados en funciones de conectividad y funciones de densidad.
    • Model-based Clustering: se utiliza un modelo para agrupar los modelos.
    • Fuzzy Clustering: A partir de lógica difusa se separan o agrupan los clusters.






    Método Silhouette


    DBSCAN is a density-based clustering method, which means that points that are closely packed together are assigned into the same cluster and given the same ID. The DBSCAN algorithm has two parameters, which the user needs to specify:

  • ε —The maximal distance between points to be considered within the same cluster
  • minPts —The minimal number of points required to form a cluster
  • In short, all groups of at least minPts points, where each point is within ε or less from at least one other point in the group, are considered to be separate clusters and assigned with unique IDs. All other points are considered “noise” and are not assigned with an ID.


    GML Poisson

    Poisson distribution

    A Poisson distribution is a discrete probability distribution, meaning that it gives the probability of a discrete (i.e., countable) outcome. For Poisson distributions, the discrete outcome is the number of times an event occurs, represented by k. You can use a Poisson distribution if:

    • Individual events happen at random and independently. That is, the probability of one event doesn’t affect the probability of another event.
    • You know the mean number of events occurring within a given interval of time or space. This number is called λ (lambda), and it is assumed to be constant.

    Distribución de Poisson

    $$ P(Y_i = y_i) = \frac{\lambda_i^{y_i} e^{-\lambda_i}}{y_i!}, \quad y_i = 0, 1, 2, \ldots $$ $$ \lambda_i = \mathbb{E}[Y_i] = e^{\eta_i} $$ $$ \eta_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \cdots + \beta_p x_{ip} $$ $$ \eta_i = \log(\lambda_i) $$ $$ \lambda_i = e^{\beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{i1} + \beta_2 x_{i2} + \cdots + \beta_p x_{ip}} $$



    Areal data



    Choropleth maps

    Choropleth maps are thematic maps in which areas are rendered according to the values of the variable displayed

    Cloropleth maps are used to obtain a graphical perspective of the spatial distribution of the values of a specific variable across the study area.

    There are two main categories of variables displayed in choropleth maps:

    • Spatially extensive variables: each polygon is rendered based on a measured value that holds for the entire polygon. Ej. total population

    • Spatially intensive variables: the values of the variable are adjusted for the area or some other variable. Ej. population density

    Choropleth maps




    Spatial association

    Spatial dependence

    Formal property that measures the degree to which near and distant things are related

    Refers to systematic spatial changes that are observed as clusters of similar values or a systematic spatial pattern.

    Spatial heterogeneity

    Spatial heterogeneity refers to structural relationships that change with the location of the object. These changes can be abrupt (e.g. countryside–town) or continuous.

    Spatial heterogeneity refers to the uneven distribution of a trait, event, or relationship across a region

    Spatial weight matrix (W)

    Spatial weights are numbers that reflect some sort of distance, time or cost between a target spatial object and every other object in the dataset or specified neighborhood. Spatial weights quantify the spatial or spatiotemporal relationships among the spatial features of a neighborhood.


    Neighborhood in the spatial analysis context is a geographically localized area to which local spatial analysis and statistics are applied based on the hypothesis that objects within the neighborhood are likely to interact more than those outside it.

    • Neighbours by contiguity: areas that share common boundaries
    • neighbours by distance: areas will be defined as neighbours if they are within a specified radius

    Spatial Relationships

    Adjacency (Contiguity)

    Adjacency can be thought of as the nominal, or binary, equivalent of distance. Two spatial entities are either adjacent or they are not.

    Contiguity among features means the features have common borders. We have three types of contiguity:

    • Rook Contiguity: the features share common edges
    • Bishop Contiguity: the features share common vertices (corners)
    • Queen Contiguity: the feature share common edges and corners.



    Matrix of k nearest neighbours (knn)

    Standarized Spatial Weights

    Row standardization is recommended when there is a potential bias in the distribution of spatial objects and their attribute values due to poorly designed sampling procedures.

    Row standardization should also be used when polygon features refer to administrative boundaries or any type of man-made zones.


    Spatial lag

    Spatial lagis when the dependent variable y in place i is affected by the independent variables in both place i and j.

    Global indicator of Spatial Association (GISA)

    The measures (test statistics) related to the existence of spatial autocorrelation in data, that is, focusing on whether there is any spatial autocorrelation in the data

    Indice de Moran

    The positive value of global Moran implies the existence of a positive autocorrelation, and conversely, the negative value implies the existence of a negative autocorrelation

    If there is no relationship between Income and Incomelag, the slope will be close to flat (resulting in a Moran’s I value near 0).

    Moran’s I at different lags

    Moran’s I at different spatial lags defined by a 50 km width annulus at 50 km distance increments. Red dots indicate Moran I values for which a P-value was 0.05 or less.

    Moran’s I at different lags

    Moran’s I at different lags

    Moran’s I at different lags

    Local indicators of Spatial Association (LISA)

    A local statistic is any descriptive statistic associated with a spatial data set whose value varies from place to place.

    Moran´s I scatter plot

    Moran´s I scatter plot

    Red points and polygons highlight counties with high income values surrounded by high income counties. Blue points and polygons highlight counties with low income values surrounded by low income counties.

    Moran´s I scatter plot

    Moran´s I scatter plot

    Moran´s I scatter plot

    Spatial Regression Models

    Simple Linear Regression model

    $\hat{Y}_i = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 X_i + \hat{\epsilon}_i$

    Regresión lineal

    Multivariate regression model

    $\hat{Y}_i = \hat{\beta}_0 + \hat{\beta}_1 X_i + \hat{\beta}_2 X_2 + \hat{\beta}_n X_n +\hat{\epsilon}_i$

    Multivariate regression model

    Ordinary least squares regression (OLS)


    • Linear relationship between the dependent and independent variables
    • Multivariate normality: the residual of the linear model should be normally distributed
    • No multicolinearity between independent variables, i.e. they should not correlate between each other
    • Homoscedasticity: the errors/residuals should have constant variance (no trends)
    • No autocorrelation: residuals (errors) in the model shoul not be correlqated in any way


    Source: Medium (Stuti Singh, 2020)


    Adjusted $R^2$

    Spatial regression

    Spatial regression

    Regimenes Espaciales

    Heterogeneidad espacial

    Heterogeneidad espacial

    Heterogeneidad espacial

    No jerarquico

    Random intercepto (fixxed effect)

    Random slope (regimes)

    Random slope & intercepto

    Modelo multinivel - fixxed effect

    Modelo multinivel - regimenes

    Modelo multinivel

    Geographycally Weighted Regresion (GWR)

    Geographycally Weighted Regresion (GWR)

    $\hat{Y}_i = \hat{\beta}_0 (u_i,v_i) + \sum_{k=1}^{m}\hat{\beta}_k (u_i,v_i) X_{ik} +\hat{\epsilon}_i$

    where $(ui, vi)$ are the spatial coordinates of the observations $i$, and $β_k (ui, vi)$ are the coefficients estimated at those locations.

    Thus, in contrast to global LRMs, GWR conducts local regression at a series of locations to estimate local coefficients (the geographical part of GWR), using observations weighted by their distances to the location at the center of the moving window/kernel (the weighted part).


    Bandwidth is the distance band or number of neighbors used for each local regression equation and is perhaps the most important parameter to consider for Geographically Weighted Regression, as it controls the degree of smoothing in the model.

    It can be based on either Number of Neighbors or Distance Band. When Number of Neighbors is used, the neighborhood size is a function of a specified number of neighbors, which allows neighborhoods to be smaller where features are dense and larger where features are sparse. When Distance Band is used, the neighborhood size remains constant for each feature in the study area, resulting in more features per neighborhood where features are dense and fewer per neighborhood where they are sparse.


    The power of GWR is that it applies a geographical weighting to the features used in each of the local regression equations. Features that are farther away from the regression point are given less weight and thus have less influence on the regression results for the target feature; features that are closer have more weight in the regression equation. The weights are determined using a kernel, which is a distance decay function that determines how quickly weights decrease as distances increase. The Geographically Weighted Regression tool provides two kernel options in the Local Weighting Scheme parameter, Gaussian and Bisquare.

    Single bandwidth

    a single bandwidth is used in GWR under the assumption that the response-to-predictor relationships operate over the same scales for all of the variables contained in the model. This may be unrealistic because some relationships can operate at larger scales and others at smaller ones. A standard GWR will nullify these differences and find a “best-on-average” scale of relationship non-stationarity (geographical variation)

    Geographycally Weighted Regresion (GWR)

    Geographycally Weighted Regresion (GWR)


    Fijo (distancia)

    Distribución del error

    Modelos autoregresivos SAR

    Modelos autoregresivos

    Modelos autoregresivos

    Modelos autoregresivos CAR

    Field model




    The type of spatial statistical analysis dealing with continuous field variables is named “geostatistics”

    Geostatistics focus on the description of the spatial variation in a set of observed values and on their prediction at unsampled locations

    Spatial interpolation

    techniques used with points that represent samples of a continuous field are interpolation methods

    Here, our point data represents sampled observations of an entity that can be measured anywhere within our study area

    There are many interpolation tools available, but these tools can usually be grouped into two categories: deterministic and interpolation methods

    Proximity interpolation

    It was introduced by Alfred H. Thiessen more than a century ago. The goal is simple: Assign to all unsampled locations the value of the closest sampled location. This generates a tessellated surface whereby lines that split the midpoint between each sampled location are connected thus enclosing an area. Each area ends up enclosing a sample point whose value it inherits.

    Voronoi diagram

    Source: Wikipedia

    Voronoi & Delanauy triangulation

    Source: Francesco Bellelli in towardsdatascience

    Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW)

    The IDW technique computes an average value for unsampled locations using values from nearby weighted locations. The weights are proportional to the proximity of the sampled points to the unsampled location and can be specified by the IDW power coefficient.

    $\hat{Z_j} = \frac{\sum_i{Z_i / d ^ n_{ij}}}{\sum_i{1 / d ^ n_{ij}}}$

    So a large n results in nearby points wielding a much greater influence on the unsampled location than a point further away resulting in an interpolated output looking like a Thiessen interpolation. On the other hand, a very small value of n will give all points within the search radius equal weight such that all unsampled locations will represent nothing more than the mean values of all sampled points within the search radius.


    Several forms of kriging interpolators exist: ordinary, universal and simple just to name a few. This section will focus on ordinary kriging (OK) interpolation. This form of kriging usually involves four steps:

    • Removing any spatial trend in the data
    • Computing the experimental variogram, $γ$ , which is a measure of spatial autocorrelation.
    • Defining an experimental variogram model that best characterizes the spatial autocorrelation in the data.
    • Interpolating the surface using the experimental variogram.
    • Adding the kriged interpolated surface to the trend interpolated surface to produce the final output.

    We are interested in how these attribute values vary as the distance between location point pairs increases. We can compute the difference, $γ$, in values by squaring their differences then dividing by 2.

    $\gamma = \frac{(Z_2 - Z_1) ^ 2}{2} = \frac{(-1.2 - (1.6)) ^ 2}{2} = 3.92$

    Experimental variogram

    Experimental variogram

    Experimental semivariogram

    Variogram models

    Variogram models

    Parameters in a variogram model

    Spherical model fit

    Gaussian Processes

    A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes

    Distribución Gaussiana multivariada

    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya

    Distribución marginal

    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya

    Distribución condicionada

    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya

    Matriz de covarianza

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    Matriz de covarianza

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    Matriz de covarianza

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    2D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    2D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    2D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    5D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    5D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    20D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    20D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    20D Gaussian

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.

    Gaussian Process (infinite D)

    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.


    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.


    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.


    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya


    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya


    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya

    Nuevos datos

    Source: Medium - Yuki Shizuya


    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.


    Source: Wikipedia


    Source: Yuge Shi, The Gradient, 2019.